Run Peng

Run Peng

New PhD Student in Computer Science & Engineering

University of Michigan


Run Peng is a coming Ph.D student at University of Michigan, advised by Professor Joyce Chai in the SLED Lab. Before, he actively worked in Lee Lab, advised by Professor Honglak Lee, and worked as a reserach intern at LG AI Research, mentored by Lajanugen Logeswaran and Sungryull Sohn. His research interests include embodied agent modeling and reinforcement learning.

  • Embodied Collaboration
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • MSE in Computer Science & Engineering, 2024

    University of Michigan

  • BSE in Computer Science & Engineering, 2022

    University of Michigan

  • BSE in Electrical & Computer Engineering, 2022

    Shanghai Jiao Tong University


LG AI Research
Research Intern
LG AI Research
September 2023 – December 2023 Ann Arbor

Responsibilities include:

  • Design and implement intuitive GPT-based evaluation on language generation tasks, which enables automatic, human-like evaluation on open-end dialogues without human evaluators.
  • Equip LLM with specific personas to act as humans, having diverse task-oriented conversations with given baselines, to augment the existing datasets with more randomness and diversity.
SLED Lab @Umich
Graduate student research asssistant
December 2022 – April 2024 Ann Arbor

Responsibilities include:

  • Leading or playing a major role in multiple projects related to theory-of-mind modeling, human-robot collaboration, language grounding, and embodied environment understanding.
  • Detailed descriptions can be found in the project list.
Lee Lab @Umich
Graduate & Undergraduate student research assistant
Lee Lab @Umich
October 2021 – July 2023 Ann Arbor

Responsibilities include:

  • Intrinsic motivation design in hard exploration with reinforcement learning
  • Task representation refining for meta-learning via contrastive learning


Towards A Holistic Landscape of Situated Theory of Mind in Large Language Models
Responsible for designing and implementing all ten tasks on minigrid; Actively Contributed to test LLM’s understanding on situated theory of mind, unveiling its lack of ability to correctly reason the theory of mind
Towards A Holistic Landscape of Situated Theory of Mind in Large Language Models
CommonGrid: Building Common Ground through Belief Maintenance in Situated Communication
Constructing a multi-agent, collaboration benchmark which requires belief and intention modeling; Training RL agents to perform theory of mind modeling during the collaboration`
Exploring LLM in Intention Modeling for Human-Robot Collaboration
Humans develop Theory of Mind (ToM) at a young age - the ability to understand that others have intents, beliefs, knowledge, skills, etc. that may differ from our own. Modeling others’ mental states plays an important role in human-human communication and collaborative tasks.
Exploring LLM in Intention Modeling for Human-Robot Collaboration

Recent Publications

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(2023). Think, Act, and Ask: Open-World Interactive Personalized Robot Navigation. ICRA 2024.

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(2023). Go Beyond Imagination: Maximizing Episodic Reachability with World Models. In ICML 2023, Poster.

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(2022). Smart Agent-Based Modeling: On the Use of Large Language Models in Computer Simulations. preprint.

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